"Once a Marine, always a Marine"
is a standard we all know is true!

Marine Corps League Greater Greensboro #260

"Once a Marine, always a Marine"
is a standard we all know is true!

Marine Corps League Greater Greensboro #260


Greater Greensboro Detachment 260

Detachment 260 of the Marine Corps League was founded in September 1972 by 32 charter members. The founding Commandant was Bill Moss who, to this day, still actively serves as an advisor to the current staff and members.

In 2005 the detachment was nicknamed “The Fighting 260” reason being the 260 has members who have served in every conflict that the Marines have participated in since WWII. We have members who served in every conflict of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf and most all expeditionary missions of the Corps.

Today the 260 is experiencing continued growth. Most of our success is due to the many members that band together to not only help each other but work together to help the community through the many successful programs we promote.

Marine Corps League Greater Greensboro #260



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Scouts Program
Eagle Scouts Program

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Organizations We Support

The Servant Center
Saving Grace K9s
Triad Honor Flight
Irreverent Warriors

Contact Us

If you or your family need assistance with food shopping, medicine pickup, or transportation to doctors or the VA, please contact:


George Orfanedes, Webmaster
P.O. Box 10227
Greensboro, NC 27404